Alaska & the Arctic Videos and Information

If you're an Alaskan Malamute lover, you probably have an interest in all things having to do with the Arctic and Antarctic.  Below is a collection of blogs, forums, and just interesting sites about the arctic that sometimes include information about the Alaskan Malamute (sometimes not), but always interesting.   I hope to add to this regularly...if you know of a great site, I'll be happy to add it. 

Interesting Forum article about the Arctic - This forum thread is quite long, but so worth it! Gorgeous pictures and information about how hard life is in the arctic where the Malamute is from...when you get to the end, click on the 1,2,3, links as there are several pages of interesting information and photos.


Not a malamute, but sure reminds me of an Alaskan Malamute puppy!  Baby Polar Bear opens eyes for the first time:

A REAL Inuit Eskimo store - Learn the way of the Eskimo COME out on the ocean ice, and see and learn the way of the Inupaq peoples. Living out on the ocean ice, we sleep outside at temps of minus 50 below zero. All this work,just so we can eat, and enjoy our favorite food, we have no super markets here in the Arctic.

The Alaska Webcams list.. (not all are currently active as some are seasonal) Close the window (press x) to return to this page, refresh to update. Also, more here  At any time some of the cameras may not be working.

Expedition Thule (North Greenland) 2011


 More information & Helpful links...

Good Informational Links about the Arctic and Antarctic